Under Inspection
Sir: Oh dear, Neil Hamilton clearly did not listen to Sir Humphrey during his time at the DTI ('Why I was furious with Mr Hes- eltine', 20 June). Had he done so, he would know......
If The Cap Fits . . .
Sir: I always enjoy James Delingpole's televi- sion column, despite my not having a televi- sion. Last week, however, he struck a jarring note with his reference to 'that......
Letters War Chest Needed
Sir: Peter Oborne's article (`Marching against EMU', 20 June) was unduly pes- simistic and rather misses the point. Personally, I draw considerable comfort from the fact that......
Not So Greedy
Sir: It would be interesting if you could explain why making marketable an asset which one already owns can be termed `one of the most blatant acts of collective corpo- rate......
Austria, Of Course
Sir: I thought I had settled the question of the whereabouts of Ruritania (Letters, 20 June) in an article in the Times of 31 July 1976. Of course not the Balkans. What are the......
Gin And Horlicks
Sir: Regarding Claudia FitzHerbert's review of a recent 'Diana' book (Books, 20 June), the injustice of Julie Burchill's attacks on the royal family is more obvious than her......