Sex By Numbers
Sir: Anne McElvoy's article on the mating habits of the German male ('We might as well make love', 13 March) confirm all our worst suspicions and prejudices about Ger- many......
Return To Go
Sir: Though reluctant to contribute to The Spectator's transformation into a chess jour- nal, could I take issue with Paul Johnson's chess column of 6 March (And another thing)?......
Into The Wilderness
Sir: Paul Johnson might have called to mind (And another thing, 13 March) the long wilderness years endured by the Con- servatives after dissidents had split their Party in 1846......
A Nicety Of The Cloth
Sir: Although a modern clergyman is prob- ably capable of almost any verbal solecism, I am sure that the Edwardian-looking cleric in Castro's cartoon (13 March) would never have......
Don't You Know?
Sir: I read in your diary of 6 March that you would have no complaint if the landowner of the house the leasehold of which you had bought refused to sell to you. This will not......
Vital Statistics
Sir: There are only two Paps of Jura (Let- ters, 30 January, 6, 20 February). I have walked laboriously all round them and in between them, discussing the character of your......
Spend, Spend, Spend
Sir: The excellent articles by Simon Heifer and Christopher Fildes on Mr Lamont's lat- est Budget do a fine demolition job on the Chancellor's work ('Getting out of it', 20......