The Other Document Is A Letter Written At Dr. Tait's
request since his seizure by the Archdeacon of Canterbury to the Vicar of Margate, in which the Archdeacon says that Dr. Tait had felt great anxiety before his illness, and has......
Dr. Livingstone Has Been Again Heard Of. A Letter From
Ujiji (near Lake Tanganyika), dated May. 13, 1869, has been received from him, and is quite satisfactory. He has apparently been detained a year or so in the same region where......
The Next Session Will Hardly Pass Over Without A Furious
debate on the effect which has followed the abolition of the shilling duty on corn. Mark Lane, which is always running risks, seems this year to have been more wrong than usual......
Mr. Buxton, M.p. For East Surrey, Wrote Two Very Good
letters on security of tenure to Monday's and Tuesday's Times. What he proposes is to give all farmers, properly so called, who have been already three years on their......
The King Of The Belgians Has Been Visiting Windsor, Was
enter- tained_at the Mansion House on Thursday, and presented with the freedom of the City, has received addresses from Volunteers and others, and has given most friendly......
No Member Of The Ministry Is Attacked Like Mr. Childers,
because no member has had so many reductions to make among men who can scream when the knife touches them. Every useless clerk dismissed writes to the papers to say he is......
A Grand Fight Is Raging Between General Prim And The
Times. The Times said it had authority to state that the Duke of Genoa would not accept the throne of Spain ; the authority, it appears, colligating of assurances from the......
A Most Important Statement Has Been Made By The Prussian
Government, that, in its judgment, the right of extending the jurisdiction of the Federal Parliament belongs to that Parliament alone. Consequently, it might claim rights which......
Mr. Goschen Has Published An Able Minute On The Necessity
for co-operation between the London Boards of Guardians and the London Charities. He wants them to combine, and to institute registry offices in which lists of all persons......
The Imperial Government Has Slipped For The Present Out Of
the difficulty presented by the Treaty with Great Britain. A Special Commission, as we should call it, has been appointed to report upon the working of that agreement, and its......