27 OCTOBER 1900, page 20

The November Cornhill Offers As Its Chief Feature Of...

a most entertaining paper of reminiscences entitled "In the Early Forties," from the pen of the veteran publisher, Mr. George M. Smith, the friend and publisher of Thackeray,......

Some Books Of The Week.

tunder this heading we notice such Books of the week as have not been reserved for review tu other forms.] Picture of the Celebration of Her Majesty's Diamond Jubilee. (W. Doig......

Novels Of The Week.*

IF the present age is not distinguished for the cult of letters, it is at least remarkable for the cult of the literary man,— literataritis, as it has been called by a......

C Urrent Lite Rat Etre.

THE QUARTERLIES. The Anglo - Saxon Review. (John Lane. 21s.)—The print, binding, and illustrations of this magnificent quarterly are as good as ever, and continue to reflect......

Alfred The Great. By Jesse Page. (partridge And Co. 2s.)—

Mr. Page has written, in anticipation of the approaching mil- lenary, what will be found a useful account of the great English King. He has, we think, made a mistake in......