Renewal Through Leisure
siR,—It is remarkable that the article, "Renewal Through Leisure," appearing in your issue of October 8th, has caused no comment in your correspondence columns. Surely the......
T.u.c.' And Corporate State
Sts,—There is always the danger that theoretical proposals for the State control of industry may come in practice tn mean the -control by industry of the State, and in fact may.......
Another Side Of Nietzsche Sir, —mr. Wiener In His Eulogy Of
"The Real Nietzsche" wonders how much he has been read and you, yourself (Janus), flirt rather surprisingly with the German philosopher. Nearly 'thirty years have passed since I......
Britain's Post-war Trade
Sta,—The United Nations are increasingly focusing ' their attention on post-war problems of reconstruction and security: in these Britain is fully prepared to play her part. But......