What Hopes For The Libs?
Sir: The Liberal party conference, with all the frustrations attendant on having spent years in the political wilderness, has pre- tended yet again that it can win influence if......
Play The Game!
Sir: Mr Miles Copeland III has written most courteously in defence of his father's book (Letters, 13 September). His aspe . sions upon my accuracy are, however, unfounded. I......
Lucky Old Pope
Sir: Mr Walder (6 September) says that the British 'got themselves off the hook' in 1921. But did they? The only effective way to do so would have been to aquiesce in the......
General Gowon Smells Trouble
Sir: Perhaps Peter Enahoro (Peter Pan) be- lieves (30 August) his own myths. But even assuming what he says is true and that 'the leaders on both sides would welcome a......
Politics Of Strife And Dole
Sir: I have just read your leading artic (6 September) and find it difficult to unde stand how a newspaper of liberal a radical sympathies such as yours can Possibly advocate a......
Legal Aid
Sir: In the 30 August issue of the SPECTATOR, there appeared a review of A History of English Law by Pollock and Maitland. For this we thank you. but feel that we would have......
Marcuse And The Gospel Of Hate
Sir: Miss Cindy Scott (Letters, 23 August) and her friends may well be very weary of being asked inconvenient questions, but we unbelievers are none the less entitled to go on......