28 APRIL 1950, page 20

The Upkeep Of Cathedrals

Si .estate aid means State control. Witness the fate of the schools, the hospitals and, alas! the noble medical profession. The Dean of Winchester is somewhat optimistic if he......

Sir,—it Was, I Think, In The Early 'nineties That A

very promising young Cambridge man, " dowered with the scorn of scorn," composed, and published in the ephemeral Press, under the title Oxide of Milton, some rather cruel......

Greek Easter Greeting

SIR,—I was much interested in Mr. Renford Bambrough's article, Easter in Athens: 1949, in the" Spectator of April 7th. There is just one point in it which seems to me to call......

University Slang

Sul,-An the Spectator of April 14th two correspondents draw attention to minor errors in Dr. H. W. Garrod's review, of March 31st, of Mr. Marpks's University Slang. Partly......

To Ensure Regular Receipt Of The Spectator

readers are urged to place a firm order with their newsagent or to take out a subscription. Newsagents cannot afford to take the risk of carrying stock, as unsold copies are......

Custos Enlarged

Sut,—May I join with those of your readers"Who welcome your decision to give additional space to your financial contributor, Custos 7 If it gives any emphasis to the expression,......

Russia's Pre-war Foreign Policy

SIR.—I am sorry to have been so slow (thanks to illness and absence) to 'reply to Mr. Max Belofi's letter published in your issue of March 31st. But I am more than sorry—I am......

The Right To Die

SIR,—I have read with interest Mr. Bavin's letter in reply to mine which appeared in the . Spectator of April 14th. I must still insist that it is utterly wrong for a minister......

Bishop Henson's Autobiography - .

is much to be hoped that no one will be deterred from reading the third volume of Bishop Hensley Henson's Retrospect of an Unimportant Life, or be guided in his estimate of the......

An Encyclopaedia In Error

SIR,—J. M. Dent's Everyman's Encyclopaedia may be, as Mr. Wilson Harris finds it, concit clear and accurate on the whole, but " on the whole " must be emphasised. In Vol. 7, on......

Sir,—in The Early 'nineties At Oxford Everyone, Blood Or...

prided himself on inventing a fresh diminutive on the basis of "rugger," and a new spoonerism. A German baron of my acquaintance, an under- graduate at Trinity reading for Mods,......