The Wrong Europhiliac
From Mr Brendan Donnelly Sir: Peter °borne upbraids his journalistic colleagues for not checking their stories (1 - low they invented a Tory plot', 21 April). If he had followed......
Unfair To South Africa
From Professor Kader Asmal, MP Sir: R.W. Johnson (Pride becomes prejudice', 31 March) constructs a picture of a South African higher-education system that is disintegrating. In......
Teacher Buyouts
From Mr Tom Burkard Sir: Your leading article (21 April) suggests that the best way to ease the consciences of middle-class parents who opt for independent schools is to issue......
Strasbourg Geese
From Mr Colin Bullen Sir: Nigel Farage's strictures on Conservative MEPs (`The wimps of Strasbourg', 21 April) would carry considerably more conviction had his party remained......