28 AUGUST 1858, page 21
FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE, AUGUST 24, Bankruptcy Annutled.-SAYVEL NEWNAN, Lee, Kent, builder. Bankrupts.-WillJsm Runts POWELL, Leadenhall Street, ship-broker-Humor Joux HALL, Mark......
'at Inutr.
PROM THE LONDON GAZETTE AUGUST 24. Wan OFFICE, Pall Mall, August 24.—Infantry.L44th Regt. of Foot—Major - Gen. T. Reed, C.B. to be Col. vice Lieut.-Gen. Sir F. Ashworth,......
Prices Current.
BRITISH FUNDS. (Closing Prices.) &and. Monday. nosegay. Widnes. Thor,. Friday, per Cent Consols 961 961 961 961 97 Ditto for Account 965 965 961 96; 97 911 3 per Cents Reduced......