28 AUGUST 1993, page 25

Just Complaint

Sir: The answer to Christopher Howse's perplexity over the Westminster epigram (Books, 14 August) is that it is not about politicians at all but about lawyers, who in those days......

Sir: I Would Like To Offer Two Quotes From Mr

Izetbegovic's Islamic Declaration in order to help settle the dispute between Sir Alfred Sherman and Mr Noel Malcolm: 'There can be no peace or co-existence between the Islamic......

Right To Reply

Sir: A BBC bureaucrat, Mr Drummond, writing to you last week (Letters, 21 August), refers twice to the 'hysteria' of my articles. What he means is that he does not agree with......

Tinned Fanny

Sir: As my Spectator of 31 July went astray in the post, I first learnt of Jaspistos' sur- prising ignorance of the identity of the orig- inal Fanny Adams when I read Alastair......

Punch And Judy

Sir: While I agree with everything Noel Malcolm says about Bosnia (Letters, 14 August), it is difficult to believe that the Serbs have no more formidable an advo- cate than Sir......


Sir: Why, when Britain brews some of the finest beers in the world, are they becoming virtually impossible to find in a growing number of bars and clubs in London and, I......

A Patriot Abroad

Sir: In John Grigg's review of Professor Simpson (Books, 14 August) he hardly mentions that careful research enabled Professor Simpson to discover the role played by MI5 in the......

Never Forget

Sir: Simon Heffer's article on David Hunt, Secretary of State for Employment (Poli- tics, 14 August), failed to mention the one thing which many of us will never forget about......