Studies, Biographical And Literary. By George Ross, M.d....
and Co.)—In this small volume Dr. Ross treads familiar ground, but with a buoyant and vigorous step. The Studies consist of an essay upon Shakespeare, and of two papers composed......
The White Cockade. By Ames Grant. (routledge.)—a Brisk....
animated novel, if the reader has the knack of skipping the parts which do not answer to this definition. But there is a good deal to be skipped, and what remains is not marked......
Current Literature.
Lffi and Letters of John Keats. By Lord Houghton. New Edition. (Moxon.)—This new and attractive edition of Lord Houghton's Life of Keats is published in one volume, which is the......
The Young Nile Voyagers. By Anne Bowman....
giraffes, hytenas, camels, savages, the lion, and the hippopota- mus will make boys turn eagerly to the accompanying letterpress, and insist on grown-up people reading it aloud.......
Pierre De Langtoft's Chronicle.* The Great Series Of...
Memorials of Great Britain and Ireland during the Middle Ages, published under the direction of the Master of the Rolls, increases steadily year by year, and shows no indication......
The Arts Of Writing, Reading, And Speaking. Letters To A
Law Student. By Edward W. Cox. Second Edition. (Horace Cox : )—In answer to the tradition of Shakespeare's inferiority as an actor, it has been argued that the author of the......
Conrade Verner ; Or, The Hill Of Difficulty. By Martha
Lee. (Houlston and Wright.)—A modest preface prepares us for the imperfections of this story, and we lay it down with a feeling that Miss Loo has some talents which are yet......
A Very Simple Story ; Being The Chronicle Of The
Thoughts and Feelings of a Child. By Florence Montgomery. (Bentley.)—We cannot trust ourselves - to speak of this littlo book ; its pathos is so overpowering. If we wore to look......