Plain Pulpit Talk * The World, Or At Least The
English portion of it, is by this time pretty well acquainted with the name and history of the remark- able man who has just thought fit to publish the little volume before us.......
Current Literature.
Rome. By Francis Wey. With an Introduction by W. W. Story. Chapman and Hall.)—It may seem a doubtful encomium to say that this is the very largest of the Christmas books which......
Traditions, Superstitions, And Folk-lore. By Charles...
London : Simpkin and Marshall.)—Though Mr. Hardwicke deals with the superstition of Lancashire and the North of England, he has collected a mass of carious facts from all parts......
Christ3ixs Books.—the Home Affections Pourtrayed By The...
Selected and edited by Charles Mackay. Illustrated with 100 Engravings. (Routledge.)—Mr. Mackay has made his selection with taste and judge- ment from a very wide range of......