28 DECEMBER 1878, page 1

Switzerland Seems To Be Contemplating Legislation As...

Bismarck's. A project of law is before the Federal Parliament which will not only raise the import. duties on a vast number of articles not manufactured in Switzerland, but also......

News Of The Week

A REVOLUTION has, as we believe, occurred in Afghanistan. For some days a rumour of the Ameer's flight to Turkestan has been prevalent, and on December 20th, Sir S. Browne, who......

A Rumour Has Been Circulated, Which Is Not Confirmed, But

at the same time not denied, by the Russian Press, that Shere Ali and his family accompanied the Russian Mission on its journey towards Tashkend. It seems certain that the......

Prince Bismarck Seems Inclined To Earn The Admiration Of The

many disciples of commercial " reciprocity " whom the reckless- ness belonging to a declining state of trade, and the natural ag- gressiveness of human nature, have recently......

*,* The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript In Any


The Distress Caused By Decaying Trade Has Been...

the weather, which, throughout Europe, has been unusually severe. From Hamburg to Moscow the whole plain of Central and Eastern Europe was, in the early part of the week, one......

Jellalabad Was Occupied On The 20th Inst., And The Present

work of the Eastern column may be considered closed. No further advance is expected before the spring, and the General, with good cantonments for his troops, has now only to......