At The Sunday Demonstration In Hyde Park Of The Gas-
workers of London, Mr. Weir, a compositor, is reported to have said of Mr. Livesey, who has really defeated the strike, that " he ought not to live twenty-four hours," that "he......
Sir George Ferguson Bowen, Formerly The Governor Of...
also at another time of New Zealand, called attention in Monday's Times to a passage in Mr. Spencer Walpole's " Life of Lord John Russell " (Vol. II., p. 176), in which Mr.......
A Correspondent Of The Times Sends A Full Account Of
a " butchery " said to have occurred at Yakoutsk, in Siberia, some time in April last. Thirty political prisoners were waiting there, and an ad interim Governor, Ostashine, in......
The French Engineers Have Partially Realised One Of The...
of M. Jules Verne, the clever novelist, whose method it is to exaggerate the powers of scientific appliances till they become almost supernatural agencies. On December 22nd, a......
The Times, To The Amazement Of Its Readers, Recently...
the proposal of the London County Council to im- pose on the owner of any house benefited by a neighbouring public improvement, a rent-charge equal to the improvement in his......
Bank Rate, 5 Per Cent.
New Consols (4) were on Friday 97. to 974.......
In The City Temple On Christmas Day, There Was What
an evening contemporary calls a " new departure," but what Mr. Willing, who provides room for the advertisers of London, would call a very old departure, inasmuch as it seems to......
Mr. R. Giffen On Thursday Published In The Times A
fierce attack on bimetallism, which he declares to be, as regards monometallic countries, attended with this tremendous initial difficulty. Gold is actually worth about......