28 FEBRUARY 1891, page 1

The Government Have Declared Their Intention To Appoint A...

Commission to inquire into the relations between Capital and Labour, and, of course, into the various modes in which it is believed that those relations might be im- proved. The......

News Of The Week

T HE Queen presided on Thursday at a grand naval cere- mony, the launch at Portsmouth of two new ironclads, the Royal Sovereign' and the 'Royal Arthur.' The former is the......

The Parisians, For All Their Quick Intelligence, Are...

Empress Frederick has been staying in Paris a few days, partly to purchase fine furniture for her newly purchased Castle of K6nigstein, and partly to convey the German Emperor's......

The Prospect Of The Irish Land Bill Making Any Progress

before the (very early) Easter recess is now extremely small. Supply will use up almost all the time at the disposal of the Government before the Easter adjournment, Good Friday......

Osman Digna, The Mahdi's Lieutenant On The Sea-coast Of The

Soudan, has suffered a total defeat. He had given from Tokar so much annoyance to Suakim, that Colonel Rolled Smith resolved to dislodge him. On the 19th inst., accordingly,......

Mr. Pritchard Morgan's Resolution In Favour Of The Dis-...

of the Church in Wales was seconded yester- day week by Mr. Dillwyn, and rejected by a majority of only 32 (235 against 203) in a House that was not as well attended as the......

0 . 5 The Editors Cannot Undtrtake To Return Manuscript,...
