28 JANUARY 1871, page 1

That Remarkable Frenchman, M. Regnier, The M. N. Of The

Bourbaki intrigue, has turned up again, and has again seen Count Bismarck. He made an offer to the Chancellor, which is vaguely described, but means, we imagine, this,—that if......

A Great Sortie, In The Direction Of Versailles, Took Place

on Thurs- day week (19th January), which began favourably for the French A great sortie, in the direction of Versailles, took place on Thurs- day week (19th January), which......

News Of The Week.

T HE very latest news about Paris is contained in a telegram from General Walker to the Foreign Office, dated Friday, the words of which are :—" Jules Fevre returned yesterday......

On Wednesday The Times Published A Telegram And An Article

announcing that M. Jules Fevre had offered to the Emperor at Versailles terms of capitulation for Paris. These, it was stated, included permission for the garrison to march out......

Ricciotti Garibaldi Probably Saved Bourbaki By His...

defending Dijon against strong German forces, severely defeating them, and capturing, as we believe, the only German colours taken by the French during the whole war. This......

Rumours Have Also Been Circulated Of Two Political...

for putting an end to the war. The fist, the election of the King of Belgium to the throne of France, though possible, is sur- rounded with difficulties ; while the second, the......

What Is Bec'ome Of Bourbaki Nobody Fully Knows. That General

Manteuffel has not yet disposed of him is clear from the fact that Versailles has not yet announced to us any further success over him, and that Versailles always announces such......

General Faidherbe's Defeat On The Same Day (thursday) At St.

Quentin seems to have been a very serious one. One of his corps (the 22nd) fought really well, and inflicted great loss on the Germans, who own to the loss of 3,000 men and 91......

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