In Conformity With The General Resolutions Of The German...
*the two popular Baden journals, the Liberal and the Sentinel of Vie Rhine, have been suppressed ; and the Government of Baden has been instructed, through its Ambassador, to......
Manta Atilt Prereebingl In Parliament.
I. THE BUDGET. Last night, the House of Commons having gone into Committee of Supply, Lord ALTHORP rose to make his financial statement. He admitted. frankly that his views of......
The Parisians Are Busily Preparing For The Celebration Of...
an- niversary of the July Revolution. Among the other arrange- ments for the festivity, it is meant to portion sixteen of the -.daughters of the heroes of the Barricades: their......
The Manifesto Of The Germanic Confederation, Taken In...
with the proceedings of the powers from whom it ema- nates affords evidence that the designs of these potentates extend fa F beyond the extinction of the germs of freedom in......
The Sixty-seventh . Protocol, To Which We Alluded In Our...
Number, contains a new scheme; not very different from the old, for the settlement of the, eternal question between Holland and Belgium : but as all that the Conference have......