28 JULY 1877, page 3

The Cattle Plague Committee Have, It Is Stated, Decided On

recommending distinctly Protectionist legislation. They would prohibit the importation of cattle from Russia, Germany, and Belgium absolutely, kill all other cattle at the port......

Consals Were On Friday 04-94i.


President Hayes Has Taken The First Decided Step Towards A

reform of the American Civil Service. He has issued a circular to all holders of office, in which he informs them that "No officer should be required or permitted to take part......

We Deeply Regret To Record The Death, On Friday Morning,

of Mr. J. Langton Sanford, the historian, who so long contributed to our own columns. An indefatigable student, possessed of a cool judgment, a great desire for truth, and the......

If We Must Believe That The Russian Atrocities Which Figure

in the new Parliamentary paper compiled by the Foreign Office are not made to order, it is a pity Safvet Pasha does not send a scrap of evidence in support of them. The Russian......

Mr. Bright Made On Wednesday, At Bradford, Three...

two of them in his best manner, on the occasion of unveiling a monument of Cobden. He told Cobden's life as it had never been told before, in a speech which will be the classic......

The Cobden Club Held Its Annual Dinner At Greenwich On

Saturday, the Marquis of Hartington in the chair. The speeches were of little interest, but we are sorry to note a remark by Mr. Forster, which explains a good deal of the......

The Berlin Gorilla, "mr. Pongo," The Only Specimen Yet...

alive to Europe, has arrived at the Westminster Acparium. The creature is not yet four years old, and has not yet entered on the period of teething, but it is 3 ft. /. in. high,......