28 JUNE 1879, page 22

Travels In Khorassan.*

COLONEL MAcGmuoa's original intention was to ride through Afghanistan to Herat and Meshed, and then to pass on to the Caspian, at Astrabad. The Government of India, however,......

Current Literature.

POETELY.-21. Century of Emblems. By G. S. Cautley. (Macmillan and Co.) — This quiet book, with its Queen-Anne garb and its lovely little tail-pieces, is just the thing to lay on......

Nortsrs.—the House Of Lys; One Book Of Its History. By

Major. General W. G. Hawley. 2 vols. (Blackwood.)—Captain du Lys meets a maiden of low degree, and receives an impression which, if not actually that which 18 commonly described......