India In The Balance
T HE news that the Indian National' Congress has rejected the invitation to join an interim government, but has accepted the British Cabinet Mission's proposals for the election......
Sampling A New Dictionary Is A Perplexing Business. How...
its merits be judged? Mainly, I think, by opening it at random. You get that way a fair test of the claims made in the preface or blurb—and also sometimes by chance a......
Sir Charles Oman Was A Great Oxford Institution. To Military
historians, to generations of schoolboys and to those who had felt anything of the power and fascination of Victorian Oxford, he was a writer of great books. To Qxford men—all......
The Tribute Paid To British Information Services In The...
States by Mr. Charles Ferguson, one of the editors of the Reader's Digest in a letter to The Times on Monday is important evidence, for it registers the appreciation of serious......
A Spectator
2 S NOTEBOOK , N OTHING can excuse, and nothing but the Government's craze for doctrinal legislatiori can explain, the pace at which the- House of Commons is being driven in......
The Question' Of The Southern Tyrol Has Found The Feelings
of the House of Commons constant over a period of twenty-seven years. Nothing caused more concern and indignation in 1919 than the allocation of this purely Austrian-speaking......