Post Mortem
Sir: 'The main effort of Post Office invest- ment goes on behind the scenes in the handling and sorting of mail' (City and Suburban, 7 June). If regularity of delivery is a main......
Forbes's Points
Sir: How unkind of Anthony Gilbey (Let- ters, 14 June) to visit the shortcomings of A. N. Wilson on the head of Alastair Forbes. Clearly he does not get the point of either.......
Letters Macmillan's Silence
Sir: Robert Knight's attack (Letters, 14 June) on Christopher Booker's review of my The Minister and the Massacres would appear to reflect the by now familiar tactic of worrying......
Clean Thrill
Sir: Your interpretation of the presumed connection between litter and civilisation (Charles Moore, Diary, 7 June) indicates that you have never visited Toronto, which is both......
Tell A Lady
Sir: The value of good deportment (De - borah Devonshire, Diary, 14 June) cannot be overestimated. I can still hear my old headmistress saying: 'Gels, sit up, never mind the......
The Spectator
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