The Alleged Bordeaux Atrocity.
[TO TEL EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:] Sin,—In the Spectator of March 21st, Mr. Bear (who has since been in communication with me) seems to throw some doubt on my statement......
The Black Like.
A T this time of the year the interest for the naturalist and botanist ceases, in a certain degree, for awhile. Birds have hardly begun their nests, the summer migrants have not......
Letters To The Editor.
"CATHOLIC INTOLERANCE IN THE SOUTH OF IRELAND." [To TIIR EDITOR OF TER " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—In the article which appeared in the Spectator of March 14th, dealing with the attempt......
!--e It Pen T-story.
jr o /Is raollUti. or TEL "SPECTATOR.'] SIR,—I do not know if you extend the hospitality of your columns to stories of serpents. Readers of Mr. Rudyard Kipling may remember a......