28 MARCH 1947, page 2

The Illogical French

By universal consent, Indo-Ohina is a subject which splits the French people from top to bottom and makes and unmakes French Governments. By common sense it is nothing of the......

Homeless Children And Home Office

The belated announcement made by the Prime Minister on Mon- day regarding the application of the Curtis Report was entirely satis- factory. The concentration of all......

Farmers And Floods

Farmers are not the only sections of the population whose financial losses from snow, frost and flood in the past two months have been very heavy ; town-dwellers have in some......

Russia As Wrecker

Whenever Anglo-Russian relations or Russia's relations with the rest of the world appear to be improving, some intolerably irritating or provocative act by a Russian......

The American Case Develops

One thing was always clear about President Truman's historic message to Congress on the subject of Greece and Turkey and that was that this ,tep was not tightly taken.......