Care Of Fruit-trees It Is Hard To Predict Spring Rainfall,
but trees under walls seldom get sufficient moisture, even in wet seasons. To be on the safe side, a good watering w:th clear water, followed by liquid manure, will be of great......
Waterfowl In The Mist We Travelled Two Hours By Road
to visit the bird-sanctuary, but as we journeyed we ran into drifts of mist that hung in the hollows and among trees. At our destination the warden told us we had picked a bad......
Moles And Mole-catchers
Perhaps a naturalist would have an idea how many moles were at work in the field. It was covered with molehills. In places hardly a square yard was without one. At this time of......
Crooked Ploughing A Small Tractor-plough Stood In The...
its' owner was at the hedge talking to a passer-by. I looked at the ploughing he had done. From the conversation it was evident he was proud of himself. It was the first time he......
Country Life
THE wind blows along the top of the hill, and the scrub bends away from it, pointing over the slope. Everything that grows is affected by the strength of the wind in such a......