On Wednesday, Mr. Stansfeld Moved The Second Reading Of The
Electors' Qualification and Registration Bill, the object of which is, first, to throw the duty of forming a correct electoral register on proper officers, without requiring the......
Lord Rosebery Has Dropped All The Air Of Moderation With
which for a time he discussed the Irish Home-rule Question, and has come out almost as hot a Home-ruler as Mr. T. P. O'Connor or Mr. Timothy Healy. In his speech at Birming- ham......
The Debate Included A Remarkable Incident. Mr. Gladstone,...
of his followers, is anxious to avail himself of Lord Salisbury's language about the possibility of rebellion in Ulster, and charged him plainly and strongly with encouraging......
Copenhagen Is Celebrating The Golden Wedding Of The King Of
Denmark with elaborate festivities, attended by an extra- ordinary number of Sovereigns and their representatives. The King is now father-in-law to the Emperor of Russia, the......
Mr. John Morley Addressed A Great Gladstonian Meeting At...
last Saturday, which he endeavoured to stimulate to vehement scorn for the popular tendencies of the new Tories, and to persuade them that the modern Tories elected by household......
The German Military Authorities Have Published An Ex-...
the special honours paid to the sentry who recently shot a civilian. The sentry, a man named Luck, was, they declare through the Post, proved, after the most careful......
Dr. Cameron's Motion On Tuesday For The Disestablishment...
Scottish Church, was met bY an amendment, moved by Mr. Finlay, asserting that the Presbyterian Churches of Scot- land ought to be reunited on a national basis, and that the......