The Times Has Bowed Its Head To The Storm Which
now rages in favour of cheaper daily newspapers. Its conductors announce that in future they will send the paper, by an improved system of delivery, to all who order it direct......
The Royal Society Gave A Dinner At The Intel Metropole
on Tuesday in honour of the delegates attending the triennial Assembly in London of the International Association of Academies. In proposing the toast of the evening Lord......
A Large Contingent Of Clergymen Went Up To Oxford On
• Tuesday week to vote in Convocation against the proposal that the rule which restricts the choice of Examiners in the Theology School to persons in priests' Orders should be......
On Wednesday The Delegates To The Boer Congress Were Intro-
duced by General Botha to Sir Arthur Lawley. Speaking on behalf of the Congress, General Botha stated that it was the desire of the Boers to help and co-operate with the......
Mr. T. P. O'connor, M.p., Presided At The Annual Convention
of the United Irish League of Great Britain at Finsbury Town Hall on Saturday last, and made a curious speech. The Gates. head election formed the text of his deliverance, and......
The Annual Meeting Of The Co-operative Congress Opened At...
on Monday, and was attended by 1,500 delegates. Mr. E. 0. Greening, who delivered the inaugural address, illustrated the growth of the movement by some remarkable statistics.......
We Regret Extremely To Note The Announcement In Last...
Pilot that its publication is to be discontinued. During the four years of its existence the Pilot has, alike by the literary quality of its contents and by its courageous......
Bank Rate, 3 Per Cent.
Consols (21 per cent.) were on Friday 901.......