28 NOVEMBER 1903, page 25

Agricultural Handbook And Diary, 1904. (published For C....

and Richardson Carr by Vinton and Co. ls.)—This is, to begin with, a conveniently arranged diary. There is a space for every day's memoranda, cash accounts, miscellaneous......

Current Literature.

PASTOR AGNORUM. Pastor Agnorum. By John Huntley Skrine. (Longmans and Co. 5s. net.)—The words "Second Edition" on the title-page, glad as we are to see them, remind us of an......

21 Woman's Walks. By Lady Colin Campbell. (eveleigh Nash....

net.)—This volume is a reprint of papers which have appeared in the World from time to time during the last fourteen years. The contents are about equally divided between the......

On The Wings Of The Wind. By Allen Raine. (hutchinson

and Co. 6s.)—Mr. Raine devotes himself to telling stories of Welsh life, and attains in this province a considerable success. There is something distinctive about both the......

Three Frenchmen In Bengal. By S. C. Hill, B.sc. (longmans

and Co. 7s. 6d. net.)—The three are M. Renault, M. Law, and M. C our tin. The first was in command at Chandernagore when it was captured by Clive, assisted by a fleet, on March......

The Viscountess Norrnanhurst. By Edward H. Cooper. (grant...

book, as coming from the author of " Wye- marke's Mothcr," is a great disappointment. To speak frankly, it does not seem to be written for the same sort of people. The whole......

The Story Of My Life. By Helen Keller. With A

Supple- mentary Account of her Education, &c. (Hodder and Stoughton. 7s. 6d.)—Helen Keller, born in Alabama, of Swiss ancestry, lost her sight and hearing by illness in her......

Some Books Of The Week.

[Under this heading we notice such Books of the week as hays not ham reserved for review 114 other forms.] The Tombs of the Popes. Translated from the German of Ferdinand......