On Tuesday The Belgian Port Of Zeebrugge, Now In German
hands—the port from which sea access is obtained by a ship canal to Bruges—was bombarded by a British flotilla, including two battleships with 12-inch guns. The damage done to......
In The Times Of Wednesday Mr. Stephen Graham Gave A
pleasant picture of the popularity of the Russian Emperor. The change is extraordinary from the times when he travelled about through avenues of guarding soldiers. The Emperor......
In The Commons On Tuesday Mr. Lloyd George Offered Some
concessions to the brewers. He admitted that it was necessary to give the trade time to adapt itself to the heavy new taxation. The Government stood by the 17s. 3d. duty, but......
The Rebellion In South Africa Seems To Be Approaching Its
end, though during the past week the rebels fought one clever and successful action about thirty miles north of Pretoria. The proclamation of the Government on November 12th......
The Secretary For India Issued On Tuesday A Statement As
to the recent reverse in East Africa. An important German railway terminus was reported to be weakly held, and on November 2nd a small force was sent by sea from British East......
The Admiralty Have Announced That The German Submarine...
was reported on the northern coast of Scotland on Monday and was rammed by a British patrol vessel. The submarine disappeared for an hour, and was then seen on the surface......
In The House Of Commons On Friday Week Mr. Tennant
made some interesting statements about the war. He said that in the opinion of the War Office the second million of men now asked for ought to be enough to bring the war to a......
On Wednesday In The Commons Mr. Bonar Law's Protest Of
Monday about the Censorship had an important sequel. Lord Robert Cecil moved an amendment to the clause in the Defence of the Realm Consolidation Bill which authorizes......
In The Commons On Monday Mr. Wedgwood, Who Has Served
with the Naval Division in Belgium, asked for instruc- tions as to what civilians were to do in the event of invasion. Were they to hand over their weapons to an appointed......
A Very Daring And Successful Raid Has Been Made By
British airmen on the Zeppelin factory at Friedrichsbafen. Squadron- Commander E. F. Briggs, Flight-Commander J. T. Babington, and Flight-Lieutenant S. V. Sippe penetrated one......
The Secretary For India Announced On Tuesday That Basra,...
is the port of Baghdad and the great sea emporium of Mesopotamia, had been occupied on November 21st. Basra lies about fifty miles up the river Shat-el-Arab, and is just below......
Bank Rate, 5 Per Cent., Changed From 6 Per Cent.
Aug. 8th.......