28 OCTOBER 1871, page 1

The London School Board, After Deciding Many Months Ago For

compulsion, has been rediecussing the whole matter this week, on occasion of adopting its byelaws ; and many who formerly were cordial for compulsion have preached caution and......

News Of The Week.

W E have little from France this week except complaints of the scarcity of small silver, rumours more or less exaggerated of Bonapartist intrigues, which, even in Corsica, end......

The Bank Directors On Thursday, To The Surprise And Disap-

pointment of all speculators, declined to lower their rate below fi per cent. As money is plentiful at 3f, the action of the Bank is much criticized ; but the Directors may......

Napoleon Has Published, Through The Times, A Kind Of...

It is in the form of a monologue, addressed to a visitor to Chisel- burst. The Ex-Emperor denies that he is conspiring, for "it is only parties who feel themselves in a minority......

The Half-yearly Report Of The Stockport School Board...

remarkably the benefit to education of the compulsory prin- ciple, i.e., of the reserved power of sending parents to prison, and also of the reserved power of remitting or......

Iv The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript In Any


The Peers And The Working-men Have Both Pat In Their

accounts of the different side of the shield presented to their view,—Mr. Scott Russell being the shield, of which apparently one aide was inscribed with a very vague, and the......