Mashed Potatoes
Digging one's own potatoes is one of the Joys of having a vegetable garden. It is a long time since I grew any. Eelworm put paid to elY modest bit of cultivation, but, at the......
Lawn Care Worms Are Not An Advantage On A Lawn,
in spite of the theory that they ventilate it and help drainage. One should use a worm-killer to eliminate them and remove casts commonly found in damp weather. A birch broom is......
Country Life
BY IAN NIALL THERE is a great fascination in the behaviour of ants. I had just come into the garden after reading about their communal existence when I discovered that the day......
P Oor Rex The Boy Was Having Difficulty With His Pup,
Which followed any feet it encountered. He came, finally, to my own and I stood still. lie don't bark nor nothin',' said the boy. :Plot like the other one.' I waited to hear......
By PHILIDOR No. 69 Specially contributed by Dr. L. A. GARAZA (Montevideo) BLACK (7 men) Winn to play and mate in two moves: solution next week. Solution to last week's problem......