Women And Drinking
`I MAY not omit here' — wrote Robert Burton — 'those two main plagues, and common dotages of human kind, wine and women, which have infatuated and besot- ted myriads of people.......
No, 1391: Autobiography
You are invited to write a true recollection of your own childhood featuring a memorable adult. Maximum 150 words. Entries to `Com- petition No. 1391' by 11 October.......
Nigella Lawson Is Away.
Solution To Crossword 724: Rule Of Three
Theme: the Roman Triumvirate, Groupings: 3 (+ 24/36, marks); 8 (+ 14/21, components); 13 (+ 1D/4D, synonyms). Winners: D. Finkel, Borehamwood, Herts (£20); John M. Brown,......
A couple of birds Jaspistos I n Competition No. 1388 you were asked for a poem with the rhyme-scheme: shine, right, sight, mine, appalled, same, name, called, confounded,......