Sir,—'the Penalties Of Failure In This Field Are Quite...
to the chances of suc- cess: This portentous - sounding phrase ap- peared in your comments on the Budget. I am trying to find out what it means, if anything. Can one compare two......
Shaw Against Lawrence Sir,—what Mr. Coombes Found On...
the passages named by Mr. Rubinstein might well be all that he says. When Lawrence states that for Shaw 'fidelity is sex, and sex it fidelity' he is impugning a moral or......
Sra,—i Am Shocked And Amazed That Under The Article...
on April 15 you should present a full-page advertisement to The Times. I. am totally opposed to this latest Communist-inspired strike (which fact, inci• dentally, the......
Mr. Butler's Budget Sir,—in Its Defence Of. Mr. Butler's...
proposals, your leading article contains the following sentence: 'He can point to a great increase in personal savings in support of his hope that the new tax reliefs will h i e......
99 Gower Street, London, W.c.1
Euston 3221......
Sta,—in Your Issue Of April 8, Mr. H. F. Rubinstein
calls Dr. Leavis's critical judge- ment that Lawrence is 'the greatest writer of the twentieth century' an 'advertiser's assur- ance.' Of course advertisers recommend the......
Letters To The Editor
The Press Strike Meredith Whittaker Maio,: R. C. R. M. Clarke Mr. Butler's Budget John Collinson, P. M. Gedge Shaw against Lawrence Howell Evans, David Craig Fluoridation Angus......