29 APRIL 1995, page 31

Sir: I Have Just Flowed, Followed, The Amaz- Ing Jane

Peterson's recipe for April festive cake! It was enorm, a stupend, it was really, it was a big success and we all loved it. Thank you. What a woman! And what a cake! What has......

Right On

Sir: It ill becomes Paul Johnson in your issue of 18 March (Another thing) to describe Fidel Castro as a 'mass murderer and torturer'. Castro is indeed a dictator of a rather......

Dear Jennifer

Sir: Jennifer Paterson urged your readers to search out Carlin peas to eat on Passion Sunday ( Food, 25 March). Needless to say, current legislation is inexorably enforcing the......

Poofs Can Fight

Sir: I served seven years in the army, of which six (1940-46) were overseas in East Africa and the Middle and Far East, and of those I was five years in an infantry battal- ion.......

Celtic Conquest

Sir: I was interested to read that, in Scot- land Gian Carlo Menotti is known as Mr McNaughtie (Diary, 8 April). I have it on good authority (from a friend of a friend of......

Maggie's Measure

Sir: Congratulations to Sean Thomas (Let- ters, 15 April) for finally figuring out what women have known for years. As a man of presumably 'middling intellect' (why else did he......

Welsh Humour

Sir: Your profile of John Redwood (`Spock of the valleys', 15 April) suggested he would make a good Chancellor of the Exchequer later on. I think you mean Shad- ow Chancellor.......

Working For The Japs

Sir: In `Spock of the valleys' (15 April) Boris Johnson tells us that a Japanese doll is to be seen at the Welsh Office in acknowledgement of the Japanese compa- nies......

Sad, But True

Sir: I was pleased to read the letter from Brenda Holliday (Letters, 22 April). I, like her, am led up with the assumption that the Community Charge was an ill-advised tax'. The......

What, Pay Him?

Sir: It is time to make room in the back pages of your organ for a column by Mr Fayed of Harrods. You could put it next to Office Life, leaving an aisle or two between it and......