29 APRIL 2000, page 35
The Gulf Between Theory And Practice
Sylvana Tomaselli MARY WOLLSTONECRAFT: A REVOLUTIONARY LIFE by Janet Todd Weidenfeld, £25, pp. 505 W hat, might one ask, is a 'revolution- ary life'? The first 120 or so pages......
The Case Of The Camel That Passed Through The Eye
of a needle Christopher Howse FRANCIS OF ASSISI by Adrian House Chatto, £20, pp. 336 F rancis of Assisi was always taking his clothes off. At the age of 24, having sold a horse......
Bodging Away In Essex
Hugh Massingberd OUT OF THE VALLEY by Ronald Blythe Viking, £16.99, pp. 304 W ormingford, a village in the pic- turesque Stour Valley, is actually situated in, ahem, Essex — an......