On Being A Woman.
" I T'S a horrid scrape to be a woman," said Mr. Walter Bagehot, with an insight rare indeed in the masculine observer. To most men the matter is far simpler. Women, as Mrs.......
Letters To The Editor.
THE NEXT LAMBETH CONFERENCE. [To THZ EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,•••-in your excellent article on the next Lambeth Con- ference, in the Spectator of August 22nd, while......
Episcopal Bicyclists.
THR EDITOR OF THR "SPECTATOR"] SIR, — In reference to your plea as to the suitability of the clerical garb for riding it has often struck me that church dignitaries and coachmen......
[to The Editor Of The "spectator."] Sir,—while Agreeing...
your article on the pro- gramme of the" Pan-Anglican" Conference, I think you have omitted to notice that the Bishops might take one practical step of the highest importance in......
[to Tub Editor Op The " Spzotlt010] Sin,—the Writer Of
the delightful article in the Spectator of August 22nd must have earned the gratitude of many of our church dignitaries, who will now be able entirely to lay aside any lingering......