* * * We Have Often Expressed The Opinion That
some of the best reading in literature is to be found in diaries that were never intended for publication. Those who agree should not miss the extracts appearing day by day in......
What Happened On Monday, When Mr. Patel Succeeded Sir...
Whyte as President of the Assembly, was therefore all the more agreeable. The Viceroy's message approving of Mr. Paters election was read, and Sir Frederick Whyte then addressed......
We Deeply Regret The Death Of The Dean Of Westminster,
Bishop Herbert Ryle. The son of the stoutly evangelical Bishop of Liverpool, he was a broad-minded Churchman, whose early distinction was that of profound scholarship in Hebrew,......
A Great Deal Of Suffering And Hardship Is Bound To
be caused among small Irish investors, annuitants, societies and charities with a little capital by the failure of the Free State Railways to pay any dividend on their ordinary......
Sir George Taubman Goldie, A Manxman By Origin, Died Last
week after a life of work that was of immense importance to the British Empire. Nigeria was as much his creation as Rhodesia is due to Cecil Rhodes. ,Nearly fifty years ago he......
We Fear That Abd-el-krim Is Showing No Signs Of Willing-
ness to discuss the French and Spanish proposals for peace in Morocco. As we pointed out last week, the proposed terms are not unreasonable nor altogether wanting in generosity.......
The Royal Aero Club And Provincial Clubs Have Done Their
best for the science of aviation. Their work will receive great stimulus through the formation of the London Aeroplane Club and, we hope, provincial clubs on similar lines. The......
A Curious Incident Has Been The Bombardment By Abd-...
artillery of the little island fortress of Alhucemas. The island is only a few hundred yards from the Riff shore, and is therefore an easy target, but as the Spanish garrison on......
* * * * Bank Rate, 4} Per Cent., Changed
from 5 per cent. on August 6th, 1925. War Loan (5 per cent.) was on Thursday 101$ ; on Thursday week 101* ; a year ago 101*. Funding Loan (4 per cent.) was on Thursday 891 ; on......