Rights Mean Responsibilities
From Mr Stephen Ashurst Sir: With almost dreary regularity, Mark Steyn repeats each week the standard 'my rights' mantra of the conservative naif (`The grapes of wrath', 15/22......
Shades Of The Holocaust
From Dr Michael Martin-Smith Sir: PetroneIla Wyatt notes a rise in openly expressed anti-Semitism since 11 September (Singular life, 8 December). She is not alone in observing......
From Mr Michael Leggatt
Sir: Petronella Wyatt is, I'm sure, aware that 'anti-Semitism' is invoked not just when real prejudice occurs, but also whenever Israel or a Jewish political opinion is......
From Mr Chris Doyle Sir: Your Leading Article (8 December)
neatly puts all blame for the violence in the Middle East on the shoulders of President Arafat. He is indeed to blame for a lack of leadership and for other failings, but I......
Exit, Pursued By A Mouse
From Mr Francis Rentoul Sir: As Ann Leslie wrote (`Before the Beatles' first LP', 15/22 December), in the 1950s the Windmill was the only public theatre where the Lord......
Radio Crimes
From Mr John Hart Sir: I have never listened to Premier Christian Radio, and probably never shall, but having read Dr Colin Nicholl's article (Tor Christ's sake', 24 November)......