The Alexandretta Settlement - Last Week It Was Suggested...
that the Turkish proposal of a federal union between Syria and the Sanjak of Alexandretta might provide a basis for agreement in the dispute over the Sanjak between Turkey and......
Mr. Runciman In America The Fact That Mr. Walter Runciman,
who is visiting the United States, postponed his departure from Washing. ton by a day, suggests that his conversations with President Roosevelt and Mr. Cordell Hull concerning a......
The Moscow Trial On Tuesday The List Of Prisoners Implicated
in the State trial at Moscow was increased by the arrest of Belobodoroff, who ordered the execution of the Tsar and his family at Ekaterinburg in 1917. The trial pursues the......
Mr. Mckenna's Optimism Mr. Mckenna, In The Annual Survey Of
banking and finance which he delivered on Tuesday as Chairman of the Midland Bank, gave good reasons for thinking that the present recovery, or " boom," will continue. He did......
The Raw Materials Enquiry The Appointment By The League Of
Nations Council of a committee to discuss the question of equal access to raw materials ought to be an event of the first import- ance. Whether it will be depends partly on the......
The Problem Of Danzig The Decision Reached By The League
of Nations Council regarding Danzig, consisting as it does of the appoint- ment of a new High Commissioner, whose main business it will be to hold the balance even between......