29 JULY 1848, page 14

Lord Grey's Vancouver's Island Job.

TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR. London, 26th July 1848. Sru—Agreeing most cordially in your condemnation of Lord Grey's wholesale pandering to the interests of monopoly in the......

Theatres And Music.

No theatrical event of any consequence has occurred during the past week. The concerts also are entirely over—all but Jenny Lind's; and the two Italian Operahonses are now the......

Topics Of The Day.

MERCY TO IRELAND. OPINIONS as to the probable effect of the new measure in Ireland vary even among the best informed,—some anticipating that it will altogether prevent, others......

The Concert Which Mademoiselle Lind, With Her...

has undertaken to give for the benefit of the Hospital for Consump- tion and Diseases of the Chest, takes place, in the Concert-room of Her Majesty's Theatre, on Monday morning.......

Money Market.

STOCK Exclaim:ix, FRIDAY Arras/mow. Reports of the prevalence of the potato-blight, in conjunction with the mena- cing aspect of Irish politics, have produced considerable......