A Clergyman Has Announced His Attention Of Standing For...
vacant by the death of Sir P. Burrell. The Rev. J. Goring says he quite believes in the indelibility of Orders, and therefore cannot take steps to release himself from them ;......
Lord Granville Brought On On Monday In The House Of
Lords the Extradition correspondence with the United States, and made it pretty evident that neither our Government nor the Government of the United States had understood the......
Mr. Bright In Two Speeches, Made On Separate Days, Showed
the unfairness as regards "school-treats," under which the children of Dissenters often have to suffer, and in both speeches insisted on the necessity of having an organising......
Lord Oranmore Was Eloquent Again Yesterday Week In The House
of Lords on the wickedness of those clergy who privately confess and absolve their penitents before giving them the Sacrament. But all he could do was to move for the paper in......
M. Waddington's French University Bill For Repealing That...
the Act of last year which constituted the "mixed juries" to confer degrees, and reserving all judgment on the academical qualifications of candidates for the State, was......
Mr. E. Jenkins, The Member For Dundee, Had An Odd
little fight. on Monday with Mr. Disraeli. Mr. Jenkins, wishing, we should. fancy, to accentuate the reported divergence of opinion between the Premier and the Foreign......
Even The London School Board Clearly Felt This To Be
the drift of Lord Sandon's speeches, for at a Mansion-House dinner given to them by the Lord Mayor on Wednesday, the drift of Lord Sandon's remarks was referred to as......
The Ex-queen Of Spain Has At Last Returned To Her
own country, and will reside, it is expected, at Seville, where she will be an important ally of the reactionary party. It is stated that she wishes to arrange a marriage......
The Official Theory Is That Parliament Is To Break Up
on the 12th August, but no date has yet been fixed. Mr. Disraeli has determined to pass the Education Bill, and a strong party within the House, headed by Mr. Russell Gurney,......