Sir,..—"the Rather Bitter Tone Of Mr. F. Barber's Letter In
your issue of June 22nd suggests that he is already aware of the answers to the two points which "perplex and intrigue" him, and is really challenaing their validity. The crux......
Slit.-1 Was Interested To Read The Article, Making Ends...
by a Church of England rector. As a Catholic (or perhaps I should say a Roman Catholic, to avoid upsetting some of my Anglican friends I), I find it very hard to understand why......
Letters To The Editor
Making Ends Meet Sta.—May I submit the following comments on the very interesting and forthright letter from Mr. F. Barber, which seems to me to raise issues of paramount......
Sir—mr. Barber Asks Why The Middle Classes Are Unable To
make ends meet on incomes "beyond the wildest dreams" of the ordinary worker. (Incidentally, is, say, the figure of £500 really beyond even the tamer dreams of a family of......
Sir.—mr. Barber's Letter Gives The Impression That What...
the "working classes" (a completely meaningless and mischievously mis- leading expression, retained merely for the purpose of keeping alive class prejudice, since all of us have......
Sir. —being A Regular Reader Of The Spectator. I Have Just
finished reading the third article in the series Making Ends Meet. and I have come to the conclusion your title is quite wrong: it should be How We Live In Luxury. How these......