As Regards Officers' Uniforms, An Officer Could Well Wear...
same type of uniform on all occasions; real economy would be achieved, as his best uniform would gradually become his second-best and be used for ordinary daily work. The re-......
The Bolsheviks Who Lately Reoccupied Baku Sent A Force Last
week across the Caspian to Enzeli, to demand the surrender of the steamers in which General Denikin's garrison had escaped from Baku to Persian soil. It does not seem to be......
The French General Strike Which Was Ordered For May Day
was from the first a failure. But the General Confederation of Labour, which ordered the strike, did not admit its defeat till Friday week, when it invited its members to resume......
The Rev. F. W. North, The Chaplain Of The British
Church in Moscow, returned home last Saturday with a party of refugees. As Mr. North has lived in Moscow for the past fourteen years, and as he has been in constant......
We Had Hoped,.from What Mr.- Lloyd George Said Recently,...
the principle of a fixed sum to be -paid by Germany had already been definitely accepted. We cannot imagine a worse impetus to German-industrial reeovery—which we all desire and......
Before The House Of Commons Rose On Thursday Week For
Whitsuntide, Sir Donald Maclean opened a debate on the Lympne Conference and on the Polish counter-offensive against the Bolsheviks. In regard -to the Conference, Mr. Boner Law......
Lord Robert Cecil In The Course Of The Debate Urged
that the League of Nations should have intervened to prevent the Polish counter-offensive. The League, he thought, might have checked the -aggressive designs of the Bolsheviks......
Sefior Carranza, The Ex-president Of Mexico, Who Was...
General Obregon a fortnight ago, was overtaken in his flight and assassinated by General Herrera, one of the new dictator's lieutenants. The Mexican climate is not healthy for......
President Wilson On Monday Asked Congress To Empower Him To
accept the mandate for Armenia. He reminded the Senate of its resolution in favour of a " stable government " for the Armenians. It was " a very critical choice." But the......
The National Railway Wages Board Is •still Examining The...
new demand for still higher wages. At its meeting last week Mr. Watson, the general manager of the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway, pointed out that, despite the increase in......