Don In Mexico
Stn,—I have never entered into controversy, and do not intend to begin now with a bad-tempered reviewer. Yet it is only fair, I think, to be allowed to say that Mr. Green......
The B.b.c. And Pacifism
Sta,—I was very interested in Mr. Thomson's letter in your issue of November r5th, in which he deplored the apparent ban that has been placed on pacifist preachers by the B.B.C.......
Wren's London
Snt,—I seem to recognise m Mr. Butt's letter the strange distaste felt by some scholars for any agreeable and popular legend, yet contem- porary or nearly contemporary......
Railways And Raids
Snt,—The correspondence concerning the activities of British rail- ways over the past three months has at least opened up this thorny subject even if the letters so far......
Milk Distribution
SIR, —We see you are discussing " Wasteful Milk Rounds." The Government has announced it is carefully examining the recommen- dations of the Committee on the Cost of Milk......