Biafra And Human Rights
Sir: I am afraid I must take exception to the remarks you have put under my letter to you published in your issue of the 22 November. You of course know the rules of Chatham......
- Sir: Those Who Sympathise With Biafra Much Appreciate The
stand many of your contributors have taken in the matter of the war. I have been normally- resident in Nigeria-Biafra since 1964, joined the staff of the University, Nzukka, in......
In The Shadow Of The Crash
LETTERS From L. H. Palmier, Geo. E. Assinder, C. C. Wrigley, Major-General H. T. Alexander, Onyekaba Nwankwo, the Rev Tom Garrett, David Russell, John Melvin, Patrick Hutber,......
Black Scorpioni
Sir: Mr W. H. Irvine implies that only old Nigeria hands are entitled to comment on the Nigerian war (Letters, 22 November). Perhaps he would accept my credentials, even though......
Sir: Whilst I Understand The Reason For A Re- Valuation
of the DM in the present lamentable condition of the world's currencies, I fail to understand the ethics of it or the harsh stric- tures on Germany, notably by yourself - (22......
Sir: Your Editorial Of 15 November Was Quite Right In
calling for a stop to Mr Wilson's stark hypocrisy in Africa and to the devious and dan gerous role of the so-called 'experts' in the Nigeria-Biafra conflict. Mr Wilson refused......