29 NOVEMBER 1969, page 35
No. 581: Striking news hers' strikes are obviously going to be the news for some time to come. There already been a good deal of discussion to the pros and cons of the matter,......
Chess 467
PHILIDOR C. Mansfield (1st Prize, Srhacluna y. 1963). White w play and mate in two moves; solution next week. Solution to No. 466 (Zucker): 1 Q-KKt2, threat 2 Kt-Inch, K-R7; 3......
Crossword 1406
Across 1 Water-colour picture. of course (8) 5 Those legal lights in Trollope country? (6) 9 Scratchy old writer, from Abbotsbury per- haps (5, 3) 10 Bright girl (6) 12 The rod,......