29 OCTOBER 1892, page 3

We Need Hardly Say That The Violent Vivisection...

has been going on during the last three weeks, has been to us a very painful one, because it is impossible to deny that those with whom our own sympathy is the deepest, have......

At The Meeting At St. James's Hall On Thursday, Bishop

Barry made a very good speech, frankly regretting the grave errors into whieh he had been led. The Anti-Vivisectionists, amongst whom we are proud to reckon ourselves, are......

Sir John Lubbock Made On Wednesday An Able Speech To

the London Chamber of Commerce, in which he propounded a scheme, not for curing the Indian Silver difficulty, but for alleviating it. He did not believe, he said, in......

Mr. Balfour, On Thursday, Made A Long And Bold Speech

at Manchester. in favour of bimetallism—premising, however, that he spoke neither for his party nor his colleagues, but only for himself. His idea is that the appreciation of......

Bank Rate, 3 Per Cent.

New Consols (2!) were on Friday 96t.......

There Has Been This Week An Odd Incident At Birmingham.

A clinvention, to consider the proper steps for the emancipa- tion of women, was sitting there,—apparently, very thinly attended, most of the Birmingham women being much better......

Mr. J. A. Fronde, The Professor Of Modern History, De-

livered his inaugural lecture at Oxford on Wednesday. He had come back, he said, to Oxford, but no more to the Oxford which he knew. Keble and Newman were gone, and the system......