A National Policy
SIR,—In his letter published in The Spectator of October 15th Mr. A. F. Robertson expresses great anxiety at the prospect of being asked to make continued sacrifices after the......
South Wind
Sts,—It would be interesting to know why so many of the letters you publish are from people living in the South of England. In your issue of October 15th all the letters are......
SIR,—Mr. Vulliamy's dark and forbidding picture of Hazlitt calls for some relief. It is furnished by Charles Lamb, who had the advantage over Mr. Vulliamy of living in the......
The Desert Army
StR,—May I congratulate " Strategicus " on his article on the anniversary of Alamein and his remembrance and appreciation of the fighting of the original desert force with then......
Country Life
COUNTRYMEN throughout England are afraid that the planners, a noisy legion, are bent on urbanising the rural in a vain desire to ruralise the urban. Among their number are an......
Sacrifices In Time Of Peace
Sta„—Mr. A. F. Robertson's letter recalls a report which the corre- spondent of a London paper sent from the United States a few years ago. "However much sympathy," he wrote in......