Lynch -mob Liberals
Front Professor Gerard A. O'Donovan. Sir: May I make a brief comment on your section in the erudite/conservative The Spectator from September 15 issue, by one Al Capp, entitled......
Book Of Dzyan
Sir A belief in the genuineness of The Book of Dzyan — the obvious inspiration behind the letters of Messrs Golen and Gardner (September 15) — displays a naivete which, as Lenin......
Faith And The Gospels
Sir: What a joy to have my prejudices reinferced by Dr Norman of Peterhouse. His caustic but factual criticisms of much that passes for Christian thinking and theology......
Sir: I Was Interested To Read The Dean Of Peterhouse's
condemnation of ' freedom fighters' (September 15) on the entirely reasonable ground that their actions are based on an unChristian hatred of their enemies. Can we assume that......
Sir: I Should Like To Express My Appreciation Of The
first rate articles which the Dean of Peterhouse contributes to the Spectator from time to time, and which must be a revelation to many who do not know what Crhistianity is all......
Sir: Any Christian Would Substantially Agree With The...
Dean Sullivan's article (September 8) about Faith: but an unbeliever could be forgiven for being confused by the assertion that Jesus condemned " only three sins outright -7......
From The Rev Angus Hunt
Sir: Most of us who are accustomed to pray regularly are aware of the danger of allowing our prayers to become mechanical and of giving little thought to the often profound......
Getting Things Wrong
Sir: The title of my novel reviewed by Mr Peter Ackroyd (September 15) is not A Woman of Courage, as listed and referred to, but A Woman of Character. Whether this error was Mr......
From Prol'essor Bowie
Sir: As I was abroad on an Hellenic! Travel Cruise, I was unable to correct the proofs of my ' Brief Life ' of Sir John Betjeman after Aubrey (September 1). I would therefore be......
Sir: Skinflint's Reference (september 15) To Sam...
Emmaus' with regard to the EEC leaves the mind boggling with visions of poor Mr Brittain being treated to a long 1vayside homily by a resurrected Napoleon, or even Charlemagne!......
Charles I And Nixon
From Professor T. M. Norton Sir: Professor Trevor-Roper's comparison of Richard Nixon to Charles I (August 11) on the constitutional level was interesting and plausible. I......