Letters Irish Ties
Sir: I must take to task the theme of Brian Inglis's article (`No one wants Ulster,' 22 September) in which he claims that Dublin does not want a united Ireland and that the......
Is Rushdie Safe?
Sir: Kalim Siddiqui ('Blasphemers must die,' 22 September) was being economical with the truth in suggesting to John Mor- timer that the fatwa against Salman Rush- die was......
Sir: Jonathan Clark's Welcome, But De- Pressing, Review...
G. Mitchell's opin- ions on Edmund Burke as a political observer (Books, 1 September) reinforces the experience of a number of teachers of Political Studies at A Level. Burke's......
Edmund The Steady
Sir: I think that Murray Sayle misses the point in the way he attempts to view the present events in the Soviet Union through Burke's eyes ('After the revolution', 22......