Roamer. Before He Was Sixteen He Had Been To Australia
and had wandered over South Africa. In this readable book he describes in brief and vivid chapters a course of world-travel, in Africa, the Americas, Europe and Russia, the Near......
The Late Mr. W. A. Bailward Has In The Slippery
Slope (John Murray, 10s. 6d. net) writtena very interesting and readable book concerning " the manufacture of paupers." Written from the conservative point of view, his book is......
The Zealots : Over-regulation And Its Bearing On National...
By Sir John Keane. (Murray. is. 6d. net.)—Sir John Keane in this valuable pamphlet points out that Parliament cannot control the national expenditure until the departments are......
In Farthest Burma. By Captain F. Kingdon Ward. (seeley,...
25s. net.)—Captain Ward describes in this book a long journey which he took in the summer of 1914 in the wild hill-country beyond Myitkyina, on the Burmo-Chinese fronti er . He......
Creative Chemistry. By Edwin E. Slosson. (university Of...
12s. 6d. net.)—Dr. Slosson, a well-known American journalist who was trained by a chemist, has written a highly interesting book about recent developments in chemical industry.......
Books Worthy Of Attention.
THE following books just published, but not already reviewed, are worthy of the attention of our readers :- An Etymological Dictionary of Modern English. By Ernest Weekley.......
Political Aspects Of Agriculture. (oxford University...
reprinted as a pamphlet an address given at the " Oxford Plough Club " dinner last November. It contains an account of the recent Agricultural Act, of which he disapproves in......
Advancing Women. By Holford Knight. (daniel O'connor. 38....
Knight is a barrister who has interested himself for many years in women's causes. He it was who originally raised the question of the admission of women to the legal......